Monday, April 18, 2011

Chapter 10: Hold Time

Chapter Ten Teaser Pics:

Chapter 9: Hold Time

Chapter Nine teasers pics:

Kudu Coffee:
The coffee house where Bella and Edward study in the beginning of the chapter is just off campus and is a really popular spot for students as well as businesspeople and tourists. It's cozy and neat inside and there's a lovely courtyard, where I like to sit and work between classes.

Alice's Dress:
An approximation of how I envision the dress Alice designed and made. It's the closest thing I could find to what I imagined. The actual color is a lavender/gray.

One of the bars the gang go to during their night out in this chapter. It's one of the nicer clubs in Charleston on Upper King Street.

Chapter 8: A Moment

Chapter Eight teaser pics: